Student Powered Design

We believe that young people play an integral role in defining the problems and issues that are most important to them and in shaping the solutions. Help us determine what to build next!

Our co-design approach

Defining the opportunity together

We work with young people in defining the issues that affect them. This leads to new understandings about opportunities to help them fulfill their aspirations.

Co-creating solutions

Young people are creative problem solvers. We love to work alongside teens and young adults in every part of our product design process, from generating ideas to testing prototypes.

Evaluating if we’re on the right track

To evaluate our success, we go to the source – our users. We continually seek feedback from young people to understand how Nod is impacting their lives and to find ways to make our products even stronger.

See How Students Use Nod

Hear students share their experience trying Nod’s Ideas and Reflections.

Learn more about the Nod app

Nod is currently available to students at colleges and universities who partner with us and license the app. Click the button below to learn more about Nod for higher education.

    It’s a unique time- we’re slowly coming out of a global pandemic that disrupted our social lives. There’s an opportunity to not just go back to how things were, but to do something better. 