Nod: a science-backed app helping college students build vital social skills.
Nod identifies key psychological and behavioral targets that empower students to break the cycle of disconnection and form more satisfying social connections.
How Nod Works
Nod supports students to build social connections in three ways:

University of Oregon
Randomized Controlled Trial
A 2019 randomized controlled trial published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research found that Nod buffered students from loneliness and depression with positive secondary outcomes of improved sleep quality, social connections, and intent to persist. Learn more about our research.

The Study
- 4 week waitlist controlled design
- 220 incoming first year students at the University of Oregon
- 47% identified as non-white
- 34% identified as first generation

The Outcomes
- Buffered against heightened loneliness and depression
- Increased Sleep Quality
- Increased Campus Belonging
- Increased Social Support
- Intention of Returning
The Campus Return on Investment
This information was modeled from the healthyminds campus ROI Calculator. This data is for sample purposes only.
The Nod Campus Experience
The Nod partnership is more than just access to an app. Learn how our team equips campus administrators with engaging promotional collateral and marketing best practices to ensure successful adoption and utilization.

Track Utilization on Your Campus
Our team provides regular utilization and data reports, allowing campus administrators the ability to identify usage patterns and impact amongst diverse student populations to help proactively guide on-campus programming efforts.

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