Science backed. Research tested.
Explore the science behind Nod and the efficacy testing that established important mental health and student success benefits.
The science behind Nod
The Nod intervention is rooted in evidence-based practices including principles of positive psychology, cognitive and behavioral skill-building, and mindful self-compassion.

Nod’s ideas and reflections encourage behaviors proven to improve well-being, mood, and relationship quality, including:
- Expressing gratitude
- Performing acts of kindness
- Savoring moments of positive emotion

Nod provides ideas and advice to support the growth of skills and behaviors that strengthen social connections. These include:
- Active listening
- Initiating social outreach
- Being receptive to others’ invitations
- Engaging in appropriate self-disclosure

When difficult social experiences occur, Nod provides reflection exercises designed to reduce self-focus and boost feelings of connectedness to and empathy for others. These include:
- Mindfulness
- Self-compassion
- Kindness and acceptance towards oneself
Rigorous Testing.
Positive Outcomes.
A 2019 randomized controlled trial published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research found that Nod buffered students from loneliness and depression with positive secondary outcomes of improved sleep quality, social connections, and intent to persist. Learn more about our research.

The Study
- 4 week waitlist controlled design
- 220 incoming first year students
at the University of Oregon - 47% identified as non-white
- 34% identified as first generation

The Outcomes
Students who came to college with heightened loneliness and depression found using Nod helped to buffer against an increase in those symptoms while supporting improvements in:
- Sleep quality
- Campus belonging
- Perceived social support
- Intention to persist in school
Designed for Students with Students
We believe that young people play an integral role in defining the issues that are most important to them and in shaping the solutions. We work right alongside young people throughout our design process and our products are undoubtedly better for it.

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